Oral Presentation IPWEA International Asset Management Congress 2024

Riding the wave of new technology for pavement condition monitoring (108128)

Richard Wix 1 , Ram Ragu 2 , Glen Popowski 3
  1. Infrastructure Measurement, NTRO, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  2. Infrastructure Measurement, NTRO, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  3. Asset Planning, Clarence City Council, Clarence, Tasmania, Australia

The road network is the largest single asset owned by a council. In an age where funding is limited, it is essential for each council to know the condition of its road network. The greater the understanding, the easier it is to manage and make informed maintenance decisions, thus maximizing the return on any maintenance it performs. To be able to do this requires the council to proactively monitor the condition of its network and this most often done through the use of vehicle mounted pavement condition monitoring system capable of measuring the key pavement condition parameters of interest. As technology progresses, so does the capability of this equipment and as a result it provides council with additional insights into the condition of their roads. Further to this, the continued development of pavement management systems provides council with the necessary tools to manage their networks and plan for the future.

This paper provides an insight into the pavement monitoring technology used by Clarence City Council to assess the condition of its road network and how it is using this data to manage their road network.