Oral Presentation IPWEA International Asset Management Congress 2024

Developing a workflow for your Asset Management team (107233)

Ashley J Bishop 1 2
  1. Manningham City Council, Doncaster , VIC, Aus
  2. IPWEA, Asset Management Committee, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Big picture diagrams don’t always provide enough information about how and what information needs to flow between the boxes and who provides or uses that information. Asset Management teams come in many formats and report to different managers. Teams will have a maintenance focus, a service focus, a finance focus, or an asset focus. Some report to an infrastructure manager, some a finance manager some will also manage capital works but there are some very basic consistencies for each of these organisational types.

Managing the flow of where the information comes from, who processes it and where does it go is perhaps a fundamental principle in any team and what I will talk about is how I established a diagrammatic representation of this flow of information and how information flows from one plan to another to form the asset management framework by looking at the packets of information in the plan, who does it and where does it go establishing a logical flow of information.

What I will do is show a methodology for developing the workflow, how that can be expanded to linking plans and how it establishes who does what and where that information transmits answering the question: what do you do in asset management?