Oral Presentation IPWEA International Asset Management Congress 2024

The Missing Link- Joining Tactical asset management to Strategic (108595)

Jarrod C Bates 1
  1. Fulton Hogan Corporate New Zealand, Hamilton, New Zealand

Title: “The Missing link- Joining Tactical asset management to Strategic?”


We are facing many challenges in managing our road networks, both in Australia and New Zealand. Increasing demand (traffic and public), stretched budgets along with severe weather events means we need to be smarter when it comes to our investment decisions. Having national role at Fulton Hogan in New Zealand I have a glimpse into how our 33 road maintenance contracts are responding to these challenges.


This presentation will cover:

  • Understanding our network data and its benefits.
  • Our tactical response to tightening budgets.
  • Benefits of tactical and strategic asset management being closer.
  • Performance measurement and the direction it provides.



By better understanding the top-down aspirations of the council strategic asset management to the bottom-up realities and opportunities in the tactical asset management space, we can deliver better outcomes for the wider community.













Jarrod is a National Asset Manager with the Engineering Solutions team at Fulton Hogan supporting the road maintenance business across New Zealand. He has more than 22years experience in the infrastructure industry with a primary emphasis on asset management, forward works programming, pavement/surfacing analysis and design.
Jarrod is passionate about our industry and takes joy in sharing and developing skills across clients, councils, and suppliers.