Oral Presentation IPWEA International Asset Management Congress 2024

IPWEA Practice Notes Update - Assessing Infrastructure Performance for Good Asset Management (109966)

Mike Brearley 1 , Jacqui Hansen 2
  1. Mike Brearley & Associates Pty Ltd, Wingello, NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia
  2. Senior Advisor Asset Management, IPWEA Australia, Sydney

IPWEA Practice Notes provide guidance, explain good practice, and suggest ways in which knowledge and systems can be improved applicable for infrastructure managers and operators to apply in their respective areas of practise. 

The early Practice Notes were developed for Condition Assessment and Asset Performance for various asset classes.  They are now dated and do not have a uniform look and approach.  There have been many advances in technology and work practices throughout the industry, and that this is embraced in different ways, depending on the funding and resourcing available to an organisation.  There is also a need to integrate the Practice Note documentation with other related resources such as NAMS+, the IIMM, the IIFMM and the Asset Management System approach aligned to the ISO 55000 series.

Much has changed in Asset Management since the first editions of the Practice Notes.  Once referred to as “Condition Assessment”, Assessing Infrastructure Performance is arguably the most critical input to the Asset Management framework.  Intelligent data capture systems now provide cost effective, efficient and robust information an organisation’s asset portfolio.  Financial planning forecasts are now becoming more reliable as organisations have confidence in their asset data.

Whilst much has changed, the foundations of assessing infrastructure performance must still be consistently understood by all asset management practitioners.  The Practice Notes provide this foundation.  It is time to refresh them.  This is a priority project of the IPWEA, and has been managed with a consultative approach.

This presentation will provide a briefing on the fresh approach to the Practice Notes, and will demonstrate how the popular IPWEA e-book platform is being utilised to provide a modern, readily accessible resource for all users.